CBD in Missouri: Official State Guide
CBD being the most popular alternative medicine is not ending soon. If you want to know all the x’s and o’s of why and how you can try for yourself, continue reading.

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CBD continues to top the charts of today’s popular trends in alternative medicine. It is sought out by a wide variety of people due to its association with a plethora of health benefits.
With medical marijuana laws fluctuating across the country, you may be wondering how to obtain CBD or medical marijuana in Missouri. We’ll tell you all you need to know about CBD products and what your options are if you live in the state.
Is CBD Legal in Missouri?
You can legally buy CBD in Missouri if you meet certain criteria. First, you must be 18 and suffer from a qualifying disability. Once you’ve determined that you’re eligible, you must obtain a hemp registration card.
Conditions that qualify for a hemp registration card under the state constitution are the following:
- Glaucoma
- Intractable Epilepsy
- Cancer
- Migraines that are resistant to other treatments
- Chronic pain, such as with Multiple Sclerosis
- Debilitating psychiatric disorders
- Terminal Illness
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBS)
- Autism
- Alzheimer’s
Other conditions not listed may potentially qualify if you have a written note from your physician. Once they confirm your diagnosis, you can apply for a hemp registration card.
Note that after receiving your card, you can purchase CBD products only if they contain less than 0.3% THC and a minimum of 5% cannabidiol. THC is the primary psychoactive compound found in cannabis.
This component is what produces feelings of euphoria or a “high”. The secondary active ingredient in cannabis is cannabidiol, and it makes up about 40% of the cannabis plant.
This ingredient is what is commonly referred to as CBD.
How Long Are Hemp Registration Cards Valid?
Hemp registration cards are valid for up to one year. After the expiration date, you must re-apply for a new card. In addition to the application, you must have a signed evaluation from your physician as well as a valid Missouri ID.
Missouri CBD Possession Limits
Missouri has seen several changes in terms of legal Marijuana possession over the last few years. Though marijuana laws in the state have made it easier for people to get CBD for medical purposes, charges for illegal possession remain strict.
Since 2017, individuals who possess over 10 grams of marijuana may face prison time. Those who possess less than 10 grams will face only misdemeanor charges and a $500 fine.
Second offenders possessing 10 grams of marijuana are subject to a heftier fine of $2,000, in addition to one year of prison time. If you’re caught possessing between 10 to 35 grams of marijuana, this qualifies as a Class A misdemeanor.
Possession of anything over 35 grams is a Class C felony and comes with a prison sentence of seven years and a fine of $10,000.
In 2018, a new law made it possible for medical marijuana patients or caregivers to grow up to six cannabis plants at home. Additionally, you may grow six cloned plants and six non-flowering ones.
Cultivation of cannabis plants by people who are not qualifying patients or caregivers remains illegal, however.
Last year, proponents of medical marijuana fought to include fewer restrictions on CBD use. However, due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, these efforts temporarily came to a halt.
Currently, there are two nonprofit organizations licensed by the state of Missouri to produce and distribute CBD products: Earth city-based BeLeaf Medical and Perryville-based Archimedes Medical Holdings LLC.
How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Missouri
The first step to obtaining your medical marijuana card is to see your physician. If you think you may qualify due to an existing disability, request that your doctor evaluate you and recommend CBD as treatment.
Note that your physician’s location has to be in Missouri.
The good news is you don’t necessarily have to see a physician in person to get their approval. It’s possible to complete a consultation through a virtual appointment.
Once you’ve talked to your doctor and they agree to qualify you for a hemp registration card, you can access your online patient portal. Submit your medical documents along with an application and a photo ID, and wait for your card to arrive.
Typically, you will receive your card in 30 days or less. Physician referrals will normally cost you between $75 and $125. The fee to apply for a card (or renew) is $25.
Finding Marijuana Dispensaries in Missouri
This year on June 15th, sixty marijuana dispensaries became operational in the state of Missouri. By the end of the year, there will be 192.
To enter a dispensary, make sure you have your hemp registration card handy.
You can buy both CBD and THC products at any of these dispensaries, and products range from lotions and oils to edibles.
To find a dispensary in your area, use this interactive map.
The state requires that you be at least 18 years of age to legally purchase CBD products.
As a patient who qualifies for medical marijuana, you may legally grow up to six plants for your use at home.
You may use your medical marijuana in a private setting only. Public use of medical marijuana is still not permitted.
To grow marijuana in Missouri you must be either a patient or a caregiver. You can grow up to six flowering marijuana plants, six nonflowering plants, and six clone plants (below 14 inches in height).
It may seem strange to allow additional plants that are either cloned or non-flowering, but the reasoning behind this is that such plants will not produce usable cannabis.
Growing marijuana plants requires that you have a cultivation license. The fee for applying is $100. To apply, register on the Missouri Medical Marijuana Program Portal.
Keep in mind that there are specific characteristics required of the place you will grow plants in. You will also have to describe these when applying. The following are the requirements:
- A closed and locked facility, whether indoor or outdoor
- If the location is indoors, it must be a closet, a garage, a greenhouse, or any enclosed space that can be fully locked
- If outdoors, the location must be a stationary structure covered on all sides (except the base). You can use a chain-link fence, wooden slats, an anchor, or any material that attaches the structure to the ground and is inaccessible from the top.
- The structure must completely keep the marijuana plants from the view of anyone who is not the patient or caregiver licensed to grow. Plants should not be visible from an adjacent property or at any level.
There is one final caveat if you choose to grow your marijuana plants.
The authorization to grow will expire after 12 months, which is also when your patient or caregiver card expires. Regardless of the time left on your patient card, you must renew your card to grow at the expiration date and pay the $100 fee.
How old do you have to be to buy CBD in Missouri?
The state requires that you be at least 18 years of age to legally purchase CBD products.
How much cannabis can I grow at home?
As a patient who qualifies for medical marijuana, you may legally grow up to six plants for your use at home.
Where can I use my medical marijuana?
You may use your medical marijuana in a private setting only. Public use of medical marijuana is still not permitted.
How can I obtain a grow license in marijuana?
To grow marijuana in Missouri you must be either a patient or a caregiver. You can grow up to six flowering marijuana plants, six nonflowering plants, and six clone plants (below 14 inches in height).
It may seem strange to allow additional plants that are either cloned or non-flowering, but the reasoning behind this is that such plants will not produce usable cannabis.
Growing marijuana plants requires that you have a cultivation license. The fee for applying is $100. To apply, register on the Missouri Medical Marijuana Program Portal.
Keep in mind that there are specific characteristics required of the place you will grow plants in. You will also have to describe these when applying.
The following are the requirements:
- A closed and locked facility, whether indoor or outdoor
- If the location is indoors, it must be a closet, a garage, a greenhouse, or any enclosed space that can be fully locked
- If outdoors, the location must be a stationary structure covered on all sides (except the base). You can use a chain-link fence, wooden slats, an anchor, or any material that attaches the structure to the ground and is inaccessible from the top.
- The structure must completely keep the marijuana plants from the view of anyone who is not the patient or caregiver licensed to grow. Plants should not be visible from an adjacent property or at any level.
There is one final caveat if you choose to grow your marijuana plants.
The authorization to grow will expire after 12 months, which is also when your patient or caregiver card expires. Regardless of the time left on your patient card, you must renew your card to grow at the expiration date and pay the $100 fee.
Next Steps
Now you should have all the ins and outs of buying and growing CBD products legally in Missouri. Make sure to have your medical marijuana card on you at all times, and only enjoy using your marijuana products in a private place.
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Last Updated on October 21, 2021 by admin