CBD in Arizona: Official Buyers Guide
As laws change regarding CBD and medical marijuana, it can be hard to keep up with what’s legal and what the procedures are. If you’re looking to obtain CBD or a medical marijuana card, we’re here to help you figure out how to do it, and do it right.

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More information gets released daily about the health advantages of CBD, but navigating the maze of how to obtain and use it legally can be quite daunting. With marijuana laws varying from state to state, it’s easy to get mixed up on which information applies to you.
We’re going to walk through a few points about CBD usage in Arizona to help clarify your questions and confusion regarding marijuana laws.
Best Places to Buy CBD in Arizona in 2020
Is CBD Legal in Arizona? (Laws & Regulations)
Products made from cannabis were legalized for approved medical use in 2010. Arizona has a medical marijuana program for people who have certification approved by a state-licensed doctor. However, recreational marijuana is still illegal, mostly because it contains THC.
In July 2020, Smart and Safe Arizona began a campaign to adjust marijuana laws and end prohibition, which would make the use, possession, and growth of recreational marijuana legal. However, this law has not been passed yet, and the marijuana laws are still strict for CBD.
CBD, or Cannibidiol, itself is not the part of cannabis that induces the “high” that is the center of controversy for the plant. THC is the psychoactive portion of cannabis and cannabis-related plants. Products like CBD oil, while made from cannabis, do not have the same THC levels.
In fact, CBD oil must have less than 0.3% of THC in order to be sold in stores. Marijuana laws do not dictate the possession or purchase of CBD oil. It’s completely legal and can be purchased at any age.
In terms of the marijuana or cannabis plant itself, unless you have a medical marijuana card, it’s illegal.
People under 18 who wish to qualify for a medical marijuana card must also be diagnosed with a qualifying condition by a properly licensed doctor. Additionally, a legal guardian or parent must be designated as their caregiver.
A designated caregiver is a person who the ADHS has licensed to provide medical mirajuana for one to five patients. This role is valuable when minors are in need of treatment, or on behalf of adults who cannot acquire or administer treatment themselves.
Arizona CBD Possession Limits
According to the state’s Proposition 203, you’re allowed to have up to 2.5 ounces of usable medical marijuana within a 14-day period. If growing it yourself, you’re allowed to grow up to 12 plants at a time.
As far as recreational marijuana goes, the law states it cannot be knowingly consumed or possessed, nor especially transported for selling.
Possession of less than 2 pounds of non-medical mirajuana for personal use is a felony. However, it’s a class 6 felony, which is the least harsh classification.
Depending on the amount in possession and intent, the severity of punishment increases. There are 11 different potential violations regarding non-medical marijuana. Severity of violating this law can be as steep as a class 2 felony.
Punishments for possession of non-medical marijuana include 4-24 months in prison with a maximum fine of $150,000 for possessing under 2 pounds of marijuana. Possessing between 2 and 4 pounds results in 6-30 months in prison with the same maximum fine.
Although the maximum fine remains the same with each increasing degree of penalty, time in prison is the fluctuating factor. Incarcerated time can be as long as 12.5 years for trafficking 2 pounds of non-medical marijuana.
How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Arizona
Getting a medical marijuana card doesn’t have to be difficult. The process itself is not complicated, but approval depends on what you need it for, which is a specific list of conditions considered appropriate for marijuana treatment.
Here’s a basic breakdown of the process to get your medical marijuana card:1. Gather your medical records indicating that you have one of the qualifying conditions and send them to an Arizona healthcare provider.
Once you’ve sent your medical records to an Arizona healthcare provider and met with them for an evaluation, they can determine whether or not you’re eligible for a medical marijuana card.
To be eligible, a patient must have one of the following qualifying conditions as specified by Prop 203:
If you’re found to be eligible, you’ll move onto meeting with a physician who can sign your medical mirajuana card.
2. Choose a state-licensed doctor to meet and have review your medical records so they can approve and certify you for a medical marijuana card.
A licensed marijuana doctor can be any physician that is an MD, DO, ND, or MD(H)/DO(H), as designated by the state. This physician does not have to be your primary doctor, but you do have to meet with them properly so they can approve you.
3. Get all necessary documents together and complete the online application through the Arizona Department of Health Services website.
Applying for a medical marijuana card can only be done through the Arizona Department of Health Services website. The website provides both an application for adults as well as people under 18.
The cost of initial application for a medical marijuana card is $150 (only $75 for eligible SNAP participants). After two years, you can renew your card for around the same price.
Designated caregivers’ cards cost between $75-$200, with the same rate applying for card renewals.
Outside of the qualifying conditions, CBD can provide relief for many ailments such anxiety, depression, and even possibly acne. But until CBD becomes more accessible, products like CBD oil are the main option for fully legal cannabis treatment.
After you are approved and obtain your medical marijuana card (or “green card”), you are free to visit dispensaries and purchase medical marijuana within the stipulations of distribution.
Finding Marijuana Dispensaries in Arizona
Marijuana and CBD dispensaries can be found in multiple locations throughout Arizona. But you’ll only find one dispensary per 10 pharmacies registered in the state. You’re also more likely to find a licensed dispensary in areas like Phoenix or Mesa.
Stores such as TruBLISS, ANC Dispensary, and Farm Fresh Medical Marijuana Dispensary are all examples of licensed dispensaries in Arizona. In keeping with mirajuana laws, they are only allowed to provide you with 2.5 ounces of medical mirajuana every 2 weeks.
You need a medical mirajuana card to get into these dispensaries, as they are regulated by the state and require a license to run. Some of these dispensaries provide delivery and curbside pickup, but you still need your card to place the orders.
If you do not live near a license dispensary, you’re not completely out of luck. If you live at least 25 miles away from a dispensary, you are allowed to grow medical mirajuana yourself. As long as it’s in a locked and enclosed space, you’re adhering to marijuana laws.
Below we answer some commonly asked questions surrounding the medical marijuana process to help you stay informed and safe.
You can be any age to buy cannabis-derived products with less than 0.3% of THC in them. Mainly, this is CBD oil. CBD oils are safe and legal for purchase at any age.
To get medical marijuana on your own, you have to be at least 18 years old, and, of course have a medical marijuana card.
However, potential patients may be under 18, as long as they have a legal guardian as their designated caregiver. Medical marijuana can be useful for children with autism or suffer from seizures due to epilepsy.If you live more than 25 miles away from a state-licensed dispensary, you can grow marijuana in your own home. It must be inside a fully enclosed and locked facility, such as a greenhouse.
The marijuana you grow can be either for your personal use or, if you are a designated lifegiver, you can provide marijuana for one to five patients. You cannot, however, sell it or give it to people who do not have a medical marijuana card.
The ADHS also needs to be able to confirm that you live 25 miles away from a dispensary, pending proof of address for your home residency.
Researching what to grow and what kind of cannabis can take some time. Places like Growers Choice Seeds not only allow you purchase seeds, but also help you choose which strains are best for you. Certain strains relieve certain ailments more than others.
Seeds can be sold in bulk, but the price per seed averages around $12. Ounces reaped per seed vary from plant to plant. If not done properly, a seed can produce as little as 40 grams, but the right care can yield up to 400 grams per plant, which is about 14 ounces.Smoking marijuana is against the law while in public. Consumption of medical marijuana in other forms, such as gummies or in foods, is legal in public spaces.
If you want to smoke marijuana, you have to do it at home or in a private space. Despite selling it, licensed dispensaries do not allow you to smoke on the premises, as they are still a public space.
Medical marijuana, even though legal with certification, still has traces of THC. As a result, it can still provide a certain degree of intoxication, or “getting high”.
Because this is intoxication, consider the same laws for trying to drive a vehicle under the influence.
Next Steps
Once you navigate the marijuana laws and understand the basic principles of these procedures, getting a medical marijuana card doesn’t have to be difficult. Licensed dispensaries are available across the state, and you have the option of growing it from home if need be.
Getting medical marijuana treatment doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Contact your healthcare provider to get on track for acquiring your medical marijuana card and find out if you qualify for marijuana use and start getting you with the relief you need!
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Last Updated on November 27, 2020 by admin